When Did Quality Die?

When Did Quality Die?

When did quality die?  It seems like everyone is always in such a rush to get things done faster these days.  This insatiable need for speed and faster time to market pressures have come directly at the expense of quality.  I hate to sound like an anachronistic, old...
What Sales Reps Can Learn from Bernie Sanders?

What Sales Reps Can Learn from Bernie Sanders?

First, let me qualify that this isn’t a politically inspired blog post.  Instead it is a genuine observation that I’ve experienced in watching the Presidential candidates and debates.  Most notably, the surging grass roots popularity of one Bernie...
What does being an entrepreneur mean to me?

What does being an entrepreneur mean to me?

As 2015 comes to a close, I am blessed and humbled to think that the company that I founded, True Sales Results, will be celebrating ten years in business next year.  When I started the company, my business plan was drop dead simple.  I came up...
When was your last sales surprise?

When was your last sales surprise?

When was the last time you were on the receiving end of a sales surprise?  Let me guess, it was not of the pleasant sales surprise variety.  Our good friends at Merriam-Webster online capture it best by defining the word “surprise” as: “to attack...