Jul 13, 2018 | Best Practices
“I understand.” This is just one of the many classic lines of dialog in the 1979 movie called: “Being There”. There was an amazing cast in the movie starring Peter Sellers giving his most sublime performance ever. The supporting cast included...
Jul 13, 2018 | Best Practices
BANT is the qualification framework acronym created by IBM in the 1950’s. Virtually every sales person from a brand new sales development rep (SDR) to the grizzled old enterprise sales rep who has been selling for 20+ years is familiar with it and has used it....
Dec 15, 2017 | Best Practices
I had a breakfast meeting with a prominent Venture Capitalist this morning. Our topic of conversation was the state of technology sales. More specifically, how grossly inefficient the technology sales paradigm really is. And unfortunately, it’s only getting...
Jun 29, 2016 | Best Practices
“Steve, you have to compete every day of your life and never give up!” Those were frequent words of advice from my Grandfather. He was born in 1900 and emigrated from Canada to Haverhill, Massachusetts when he was a very young child....
Apr 9, 2016 | Best Practices
When did quality die? It seems like everyone is always in such a rush to get things done faster these days. This insatiable need for speed and faster time to market pressures have come directly at the expense of quality. I hate to sound like an anachronistic, old...