What is Your Sales Team Integrity Quotient?

Very few truths are irrefutable in the business world.  We’re constantly reminded how fast things are evolving and changing, but not always for the best.  One thing stands out that will never change, your business integrity both as an individual and as...

What Sales Teams Can Learn from Joan Rivers

I was reading an obituary today in the San Jose Mercury News on Joan Rivers and was struck by the fact that most sales teams could learn a lot from her.  There were three particular references to her career and what she will be remembered for that really...

Tips for Effective Sales Storytelling

My Grandfather was an amazing storyteller.  I recall growing up and looking forward to his visits so we could hear more of his great stories.  His stories were filled with exotic experiences, metaphors and drama.  Most importantly, they created...

Does your sales team tell stories like Del Griffith?

Did you ever watch the movie “Planes, Trains and Automobiles” with Steve Martin and John Candy?  In the movie, John Candy’s character is named Del Griffith and he is a shower ring salesman.  He is also a blabbermouth that tells one boring...